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Weekly Newsletter

As I stated in my last post, I sent out the first weekly newsletter today. I will not always post them up here, but I wanted y'all to see what they will look like.

Today I focused on 3 of my core beliefs. Positivity, Self-Love and Self-Confidence. These are very important to me for many different reasons.


I think we all need to strive for more positivity in our lives. I find myself dwelling on the bad and pushing aside how much good there is in my life. The world needs more positive vibes, especially right now, and this is something we can all control. I don't see the point in putting each other, or ourselves down. We are all in the same boat and we all deserve to be happy. So, why not help with that? I encourage everyone to do something nice for someone else. Something to brighten their day. Even if it is for yourself. Do something nice for yourself. You deserve it. (Don't get carried away though, or you'll end up with an Amazon cart full of stuff you don't need 😉). The point is, bring more positivity around.


Self-Love is something I have so much to say about. Why don't we see the greatness in ourselves? Why is it that we look in the mirror and see the tiny flaw instead of all of the wonderful things that we are? I think this is something that is never fully achieved, and that is so so so sad. A friend of mine recently told me about how she writes out 3 things that she loves about herself every night and I LOVE that. It is heartbreaking that it is something we feel like we have to do, but I think it is still a really good habit to get in. There is a Demi Lovato song called, "I Love Me". It is such an honest song and it's just one of my new favs. Bottom line, I recommend the song, and I think we should all learn to love ourselves a lot more than we do.


We all tell ourselves we are confident. However, I know I can go from on top of the world from tons of positive energy...but it only takes one negative opinion to come my way for me to sink right back down. I would like to think I am not the only person who experiences this 😅. Generally, I think self-confidence is one of the most crucial elements to our happiness. To feel more confident, I like to remind myself of my accomplishments. I like to think of all the people that love me, and remember that I love me. That is all that really matters right? If you believe in yourself and love who you are, then who cares about the handful that don't? You don't need them. There are plenty of people on this planet. Be confident in who you are.

Anyway, I know I got a little deep right there, but I hope this helps someone in some way. These are 3 things that I believe to be so incredibly important and you will hear me talking about them a lot. Below is my first newsletter and the level of importance these topics have in my life are why I thought they were fitting for the first of many newsletters.

Always find the good.

3 Things I Love About Myself:

  1. I am Thoughtful

  2. I am Determined

  3. I am Understanding

What are yours?



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