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The One About Blogging

I started my blog a little over a year ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It gives me an outlet for creativity and connecting with new people every day. Recently, I have met a lot of other bloggers. I am so glad that I get to be a part of this little community. 💗

These cute photos are from meeting another blogger recently and sharing life stories with her. She is from L.A. and she reached out to me when she came to Charleston because she also enjoys meeting up with other bloggers to get to know them. Everyone has their own unique story and I love meeting new people and learning about their stories. ☀️

I have gotten a lot of questions lately from people wanting to start blogs and not knowing if it is for them or if they would be good at it…

DO IT! 💪

If you ever have questions, I got you. The blogging community is so encouraging and supportive. Anyone looking to start a blog and you just aren’t sure about it, this is your sign to go for it. If you need help with a website or anything, lucky for you that is my job and you can hop on over to my business tab to check out my work. 🌟

While we are on here, y’all know I like to personally journal as well as blog publicly. It was recently brought to my attention by a close friend that I probably do this because everyone has a side of them that the whole world sees, and then the side that no one sees. I thought it was a super interesting observation and they are probably correct. I decided that a lot of my thoughts are definitely meant to just be for me, however, I would like to share some of my most recent thoughts with you all because it really goes with the topic of encouraging others to blog. I have been through a whole lot of self discovery this past year and one thing that I realized is that I can simply make whatever I want happen for myself. There are so many people who love you and support you and whatever it is that you want to do, you will succeed if you just do it. If you are focused on your goals, you will achieve them. If you are interested in pursuing something, don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t. 🥰

I know this isn’t some wild concept but I hope that if someone out there is debating whether they should go for something or not, they realize that people will support them no matter what. 💛

Always find the good. ✨

xoxo ~ Shelby



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