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I would really like to kick off this week not focusing as much on products and more on self-confidence. I shared in my recent Instagram stories that I never went a single day in High School without makeup on. This is because I looked in the mirror and truly did not like what I saw, unless I had makeup on. I know I am not the only person who has experienced this, and that is really sad.

I got A LOT more confident in college and rarely wore makeup to class. This was a huge milestone because I reached the point that I realized if someone didn't want to be friends with me because I wasn't wearing makeup or wasn't pretty enough, then I didn't want them in my life at all. I was a lot more confident in who I was and what I looked like and I wish that I had gotten there so much earlier in life.

Today I went on my Instagram story with no makeup on. This doesn't seem like an actual accomplishment and it sounds silly just writing it out, but it is something I have never done. We always want everyone to see us looking our best. We compare ourselves to everyone else's best, but that is so far from reality. We shouldn't be comparing ourselves at all. We should be loving ourselves and what we look like in all our forms.

This is a topic that I could talk about for hours. I have never in my life met another girl, or guy or person for that matter, who never experienced feeling down on themselves for their looks in one way or another. That is absurd. It is incredibly sad and ridiculous that we live in a society where it is easier to tear yourself down, then build yourself up. We should be lifting each other, and ourselves up as high as humanly possible, because we all deserve to feel confident in our own skin. Put away the pettiness and selfishness and remind your friends and family how great they are, always.

I always say to find the good. Find the good in yourself. The good is how many people do lift others up. The good is that we are all absolutely gorgeous and the sooner we realize it ourselves, the better.

Love yourself. Love others. Stay positive.



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