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Social Distancing

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

The Social Distancing experience has been interesting for everyone physically, socially, financially and mentally. I say interesting because I do not believe that it has been all bad. While this is a terrible pandemic going on in our world, as always, I believe there is good to be found.

Physically, we are able to work out as much as we want. We can't go to a gym per se, but we can do one of the many at home workouts that people are posting all over the internet! (mine included ;) check out my YouTube Channel for that). We can focus and take care of our bodies that we are too busy to take care of, as thoroughly, in our everyday lives.

Socially we are unable to see everyone, but we are able to spend quality time with those that we live with. It is so easy to get wrapped up in life and work and all of the aspects that drive people further and further from those that they love most. We now have the time to spend with them. We have time to call the people we have lost touch with and I think that is really important.

Financially everyone is struggling. The good here is that we are in this together to be understanding and help out one another. We are remembering the things that we need and the things that we want are very different.

Mentally I know that I needed sleep. I needed to start and finish projects that I haven't been able to get to since we moved. We have time to breathe, maybe do some meditating, maybe take a relaxing bath, maybe read a book. Whatever your idea of relaxing is, we have time for it. Maybe this was the world's idea of telling us we move too fast and we need to slow down every once in a while and enjoy what we have.



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