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One Year Blogging

One Year Ago...

I started The Shelby Pa(i)ge one year ago. So much has changed since then. When I started my blog it was about a month into quarantine. I was sort of losing it and spending way too much time on social media and watching The Tiger King, not being productive. As I said, I have always wanted to start a blog, so what better time to learn everything I needed to? Needless to say, I got up off my lazy butt and started a blog.

To give some background for those who don’t want to go back and read all of my previous posts, I love to write. I have kept a journal since I was 6 years old. Yes, I have my whole life documented like a personal history book. Maybe that’s weird, but I love it. It has helped me in so many ways and I love to share them. Journaling has always helped me in the moment to release my thoughts and feelings. However, it mostly comes into play later on. I am able to live my life and go back and really measure my progress. When I say progress, I am referring to personal growth. I am obviously reading them from the perspective of myself and it allows me to remember who I was. We are the same people, but we certainly change. Our outlooks on life, our friends, the things we prioritize and value… they all change with time and we don’t even realize it until later on. I am so proud of the person I have become. I liked who I was along the way too, but really being able to watch growth is something so special. This being said, I am still growing and that is the best part. This isn’t the final destination. The journey continues. In one year I will be looking back on this post thinking about how much further I came from now. However, I choose to enjoy my moments while I am in them, so I will come back to that in a year.

When I started this blog I used the phrase, “always find the good”, a lot. I really believe in this and I am excited that life has allotted me more time to get back into blogging and remembering why I started in the first place. Always finding the good was something I needed to remind myself that even in the height of a worldwide pandemic, there were things to appreciate. I was healthy. I was safe. I was given time to slow down and take a breath. I got to think about what I really wanted and who I was. I truly believe that if I wasn’t given that time during quarantine to start my blog, that Shelby Paige Marketing, LLC wouldn’t exist today. I gave myself the confidence I needed to do what I do now.

On top of everything, I am surrounded by the most amazing people. I have the most supportive family and friends that have encouraged me to pursue my goals and believe in me every step of the way. I am forever grateful for them. You know who you are. Thank you!

I hope that your takeaway from my story is that you should pursue what you really want to do. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Whatever your dream is, follow it. And while you are struggling to get there, remember to always find the good because it is always there. ✨

xoxo Shelby 💗



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