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New England Adventures Summer 2021

I went home to New England to visit like I do every year, but this year was different. This year I decided to focus on myself above everything else. When I went up to New England I expected it to be the same old situation. I thought I would see each friend casually and catch up and eat my favorite foods and see my family. This time was all of that and so much more.

The best way that I have described this trip is being very healing. I tend to get caught up in work, progress, and things that in the grand scheme of life are minor. When I went home I didn’t just see my friends, I made new, unforgettable memories with them. If you follow me on social media, you know I spent pretty much my entire trip with my friend, Michael. We have been friends since high school and it has been forever since we were able to really hang out and make new memories, as opposed to catching up and reminiscing on old memories. We adventured in Boston in The North End, we spent nights out dancing and went to a concert.

The following weekend brought us to Maine, where I used to live. I expected to feel all nostalgic, and I was for a moment, but it didn’t last long. I was living in the moment and living my best life with one of my best friends. Since I used to live there and I knew someone everywhere I went. This just wasn’t the case anymore. It was a nice reminder that Maine was a chapter of my life full of great memories that brought me wonderful friends, but it isn’t my life anymore.

I got to see most of my family while I was home and that was really nice too. I say this often, I know, but I really have the best friends and family. I am so grateful for them.

When I go home and spend time with my friends for real, we call it “being real friends” lol. I got to do a lot of that. One of my favorite past times is watching hours of old dance recital videos with my very best friend, Abby. This is one of our favorite traditions that we typically do once a year at some point. There is also usually Kraft Mac & Cheese involved because if you know us, you know that is essential to our diet.

Overall, this trip made me take a step back to see the bigger picture. It forced me to live in the moment and remember how wonderful my life is and how many amazing people I get to call my friends and family.

While I had an awesome trip, I was very ready to come back to Charleston. I definitely missed it.

Thanks for the great memories, New England. ✨

Always find the good.

xoxo Shelby 💗

“You will never be completely at home again. Because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of living and knowing people in more than one place.” - Mirum Adney

New Car

Red Sox Game at Fenway

Mainestreet in Ogunquit, ME
Birthday Dinner in Boston

Birthday Dinner in Boston

My 24th Birthday

Pride Bar Crawl

Luke Bryan Concert

4th of July



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