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Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! For me, it definitely took a village! lol

Happy Mother's Day to my Grammy, for always being at every single sports game, dance recital, graduation and everything you could ever think of. You are a rockstar and I look up to you in so many ways.

Happy Mother's Day to my Nana, who I don't get to see as often as I would like, but I love you very much. You always give me advice that I will never forget.

I would like to give a special shout out to Mrs. King for being my second mother growing up and always making sure Princess Abby and I had Kraft Mac & Cheese while we were rewatching old recital videos.

Honestly, there are so many mothers out there that have impacted my life that it would take me all day to just list them. So, thank you to every single one of you. All of my Aunts, Cousins, Teachers and Family Friends; I wouldn't be who I am today without such strong, empowering women in my life.

That being said, I would like to talk about my own mother for a moment. Yes, the famous Laurie herself. My mother hates being in photos, loves Mexican food, often subs out dinner for cool whip, looks like the Lorax when she wakes up (a direct quote from my brother at age 7ish), and she does her makeup and her hair every single day, even if she knows she isn't going to leave the house. She drives everyone up a wall at least once a week.... but she loves her family, especially her children more than you could ever imagine. She makes sure every single holiday is as magical as possible. Everything has to be just so. She puts everyone else's wants and needs before her own. She can't stand to see anyone sad or upset and will do everything in her power to make everyone happy. I hope that I end up being at least half the mother she has been to us one day. I love her more than I will ever show and she deserves the best every day.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. 💙



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