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Let's Talk About Realness

My blog and social media are a place that I strive to be very real with. I will never lie to y'all about the products that I use and I will always be honest with you. This is something that means a lot to me because I feel tricked by different people that I follow on social media sometimes. I feel like they rope me into buying things that aren't as good as they say. This is a place that I will be very very real. I will give my honest opinions and always be 100% me.

American Eagle's Aerie is a brand that I have admired for a while now. Their #AerieReal marketing campaign is one that I have done countless reports and presentations on. Their morals are aligned with how most should be. They use real people, with real bodies, real faces and real smiles. This is soooo rare. Like I said, I will never lie to y'all. I know I am guilty of doing the things that everyone else does. I have whitened my teeth in photos. I have edited photos so my skin looks tanned. I have zapped a zit out. I have made it so you couldn't see certain "flaws". I have edited photos. I enjoy using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to play with the lighting in photos and that is something I will always do because lightening is something I do not consider to be fake. I like using presets because I just feel like it gives a different feeling to photos. It makes them a better quality. I am here admitting to you that I do it, like most people. I encourage everyone to love yourself more than you do right now. When you look at that photo of yourself, sure throw a filter on it if you want, play with the lighting. Please don't edit your face so that it looks unnatural. I'm not going to say you should never zap out a zit. I'm saying that you should still love yourself in the photo. You should never feel the need to alter your beautiful self to the extent that it isn't really you. Love the way your skin looks, love the way that you smile, your figure and just love the way that you are. I think we can all take a lesson from Aerie and see their gorgeous, real models and know that we are ALL beautiful.

Since I have started this blog and been more present on social media I have had a lot of people unfollow me. That is okay. I want to attract people that are interested in the same things that I am. I want to reach people that can relate to me and enjoy my positive energy. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me a little sad that these people were with annoyed or just didn't care about what I'm doing with my life. I am human and I have feelings. However, I see the good in that I know I am enjoying what I am doing and I know other people are too. I have received so much love and support and that is what I choose to focus on. Love. The realness that has come from those giving me support and laughs is what matter the absolute most to me.



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