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I have ALWAYS kept a journal. People that know me well can attest to the fact that I have kept a journal my whole life, and it is something I firmly believe in. It gives me an outlet to reflect on my life in the moment and release all of my thoughts and feelings in a way that I can't to anyone else. I am using this blog as an extension of the journaling that I already do, because I think it is SO important.

The longest I have ever gone without journaling was the summer that I met my boyfriend, Richmond. He is someone I will talk about very often! lol It was a whirlwind summer, and I simply didn't feel like I had time. I am now very sad that I didn't make more time because I wish I could go back and reread, and relive that part of my life :)

Rereading is another reason that I think journaling is so important. Sometimes you don't realize how much you are growing, or have grown as a person until you relive who you were.

With this quarantine I have been left far too much time to just sit and think, as I am sure many of you have too. This is the best way, that I have found, to really channel that. I have found the good in all of the time to think and dream to write out all of those thoughts.

Today's journal entry is about the person I want to be after this is all over. I hope we don't go back to exactly the way that we were and we all find ways to come out of this BETTER than we were before. More patient and understanding of others. With new goals and dreams.

I would love to hear what everyone else is thinking about with all this free time!

What would you/did you journal about today?



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