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It has been over a year since the three of us were together. I never could have predicted life would take us all so far away for so long, after living together for a year. 865 was OUR home, possibly the last time we all call the same place home. But I think since then we have learned it wasn’t the building that was our home, it was each other. It was Bachelor Monday’s with chicken parm from the diner. It was late nights of dancing followed by ramen. It was the simple phrase “everyone meet back at home” and even if you didn’t live there, you knew what that meant. It was all of us sitting in one shower in soaking wet clothes eating McFlurries because someone was having an absolute mental breakdown. It was everyone piling into a tiny tiny car to drive 5 minutes across campus for Chapter. It was all of the little, simple things. Y’all will always be my home. Thank you for that. I’m thinking we need a WHOLE DAMN FAM reunion once this quarantine is over, what do y’all say???

I don't know if anyone else does this, but I like to think about where I was a year ago from today and think about everything that has happened in my life. I think about all the lessons I learned and how interesting it is how you try to plan out how your life is going to go, and looking back and seeing what ended up working out and what didn't, and how you grew from that. This is something I have always done and I feel like I learn so much about myself. This time last year I had just graduated from High Point University with a B.A. in Strategic Communications and a Minor in Dance. I didn't know what friends I would see all the time, which ones I would lose touch with, and which ones would be my friends for life. Turns out I hadn't even met some of my closest friends yet. I hadn't met the awesome people I lived with this summer. I hadn't started my first adult job and met some of the most amazing people there. It is funny how life works out. I am so grateful for the friends in my life. Y'all are all so important to me in your own unique ways. That is some good I have found in this past year; so many old friends who I know will be around forever, so many new friends with so many life lessons and so much love.

Here's to friendship! Always find the good and the love in your life 💙



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