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Let’s start this off with… ❤️

If you haven’t seen the show, Friends, you should. 💙

If you haven’t then watched the Friends Reunion, you should. 💛

Just sayin. 🤷‍♀️

Friends is one of my favorite shows of all time. It is hilarious, fun, genuine, lighthearted, relatable and perfectly casted. I feel like I am able to relate to each character in different ways and the way that the show is done they are all a main character so it is just so perfect. I could go on and on but what I really want to talk about here is what I realized watching the reunion.❤️

I have grown up watching Friends and always wanted it to just be my life. I wanted the fun whirlwind of making crazy, fun memories with all of my friends. I wanted the struggle, the love, the heartbreak, the laughter, the success, the tears, the nights out, the deep talks, the memories… I couldn’t wait for that time in my life. 💙

Life certainly doesn't always go my way. If you look closely however, I got everything I wanted. I am living the struggle, the love, the heartbreak, the laughter, the success, the tears, the nights out, the deep talks, the memories… I am actively living it all. 💛

It wasn’t until I watched the reunion that they explained their elevator pitch for the show was that “it is about the time in your life when your friends are your family”. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I am in that time in my life now and I am so grateful for it. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but I couldn’t be more grateful for the friends I have in my life that know exactly how to take the rough patches and make them into great memories. ❤️

It's the moments that feel like the end of the world that become the things you remember and value the most. It’s foolish things like Sarah bringing me a shot of tequila when I’ve had a terrible day. It’s dance parties with my cousin, Livi, when life gets you down and you just need to dance it out. It’s crying over my credit score for no reason with Holley. It’s date nights watching Solo: A Star Wars Story with Liesel because I want to see Chewy and she wants to see Emilia Clarke. It’s running around on the beach seeing shooting stars. It’s driving down to Hilton Head Island so that Karrie & I can have a wine, trash TV & massage night. It’s spontaneously trolling around New England for a month with Michael being “real friends” and him buying a plane ticket to Charleston for next week. It’s my very best friend, Abby, coming down to Charleston to make new memories and then spending our time in New England watching old recital videos like we always have. It’s nights out laying in an alley with Riley talking about nonsense for hours. It's last minute going to Charlotte, NC to see Emily and choosing to live our best lives at a concert and make seriously questionable decisions. It’s launching Cassie’s website and social media because she was my first friend in Charleston and to see all of our plans come full circle is so amazing to watch. It’s doing photo shoots with Hayley full of bloopers and laughs. It’s wine time with Sienna, who I have so much in common with and we just really get each other, especially when it comes to wine. It’s having friends like Alex, that I would have never met on my own and I could not be more grateful for her and her ability to always know exactly what to say to make me feel better and just really get me as a person. It’s my squish of a sister, Spencer joining my old sorority and becoming a part of my friend group from college and we all get to witness our milestones together and make new memories. It’s my brother, Bryce, growing up and always making fun of me for stealing his jokes but also understanding my own humor because I’m hilarious. It’s quite frankly, spending time alone learning to love who I am. 🖤

I could list about a million examples but the point is that we are all learning who we are and growing into who we want to be together. We are all having the best and worst time of our lives and I wouldn’t trade it. ❤️

This is your reminder to love the stage that you are in, even when it is kind of trash because it is part of the journey. You can’t make amazing memories without all the nonsense that goes along with it. 💙

Always find the good. 💛

xoxo ~ Shelby

Meet My Friends ✨

Wine Time with Sienna

Star Wars Date Night with Liesel

My College Pals in Charleston

Love My College Friends

Left: Holley, Liesel, Karrie, Spencer, Me, Jordan, Alyssa

My Squish of a Sister Will Kill Me for This One 💗

Beach Nights with Sarah

Deep Dish Cookies are ALWAYS a Move

Jason Aldean with Em Durant

Abby Visiting Charleston

Riley Lovessss This Photo

Beach with Abby (Princess Gail)

When Jordan Came to Charleston

Night Out with Riley

Charleston with Bryce

PGA with Livi

Palmetto Bluff with Holley



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