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About Me!

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

I am 22 years old.

I live in Charleston, South Carolina

I am from Mont Vernon, New Hampshire and graduated from Souhegan High School.

I spent all of my summers in Ogunquit, ME, which will always have a part of my heart.

I graduated from High Point University in May of 2019.

I majored in Strategic Communications and minored in Dance.

I am from a family of 5.

I have a sister, Spencer and a brother, Bryce that are 17 years old twins. They are my best friends and I wish we lived closer to each other. I will talk a lot about those fools for sure.

I always wanted to move to Charleston so I up and left this winter and decided I was going to take a chance and just go for it.

I am currently working at Eligius Marketing Group and I am so grateful to have landed where I did.

I moved down here with my wonderful boyfriend, Richmond, who I am sure will be featured in many stories.

I am a dancer and have met some of my very favorite people through this art.

I have journaled my whole life and I look forward to using this as my new way of journaling.

I love hedgehogs.

I love to travel.

I have so many aspirations and plans in life and I cannot wait to live out the best life story I can.



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