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I have linked an excellent resource for signing petitions, learning, donating and so much more. Click HERE.


As a white woman, I have been trying to find the words to address what has been going on. I haven't found them. I have had so many emotions and my simple takeaway is the world needs more love.


It is absolutely tragic that the world is in the state that it is. It is baffling that it is 2020 and innocent black men and women are still being killed. Growing up I didn't see color. I saw everyone as a human being. It wasn't until college that I learned that was wrong. We should all see color, and know that is what makes the world so beautiful. I have spent the past few days learning, listening, reflecting and making changes. It is not enough to just listen. We all need to be taking action. We all need to be actively anti-racist. We need to sign petitions and do everything that we can to make a change in the world.


It angers me that people are racist. I suppose that sounds naïve, but I honestly cannot comprehend how someone can hate another person and believe that their life isn't worth living because of the color of their skin. What kind of monster thinks that way? I know it is a scary world out there and I can't even imagine what it must be like. It makes me sick knowing that my friends, and other humans live in fear everyday.


"I understand that I will never understand, however I stand with you." I have had so many thoughts and feelings over the past few days and I think that quote sums it up best. I have had such a hard time trying to form words because I just haven't absorbed it all yet.


Let's all let 2020 be a year of change. I thought for so long, with COVID-19 and all the tragedy happening in the world, that 2020 was a wasted year. I am starting to think it is a year of change. It is a year we needed. A complete pivot from what we are so used to. This anger and change needs to last longer than just this week. We need to carry it on through the rest of our lives and make a real change. Please help make real change.



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