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Being Alone In Your Twenties

People say you should be alone in your twenties…

Reflecting on your life is necessary.

Taking time for yourself is a must.

Putting your wants and needs first is important.

Being confident is admirable.

Falling in love is beautiful.

Traveling is humbling.

Being alone is freeing.

Imagine falling in love with yourself.

Imagine falling so in love with your own life that you stop looking for other people to complete it and only allow those in who add to your happiness and share your energy.

I have heard people say on and off throughout my life that being alone in your twenties is important. It is a chance for self discovery, growth and love. I never understood that until now.

Taking the time to enjoy the things that I love without compromising a single second is incredible. My happiness is in no one's hands but my own. No one can ruin my day unless I allow them to do so.

It wasn’t until I decided to be alone that I realized how much I enjoy it. I started noticing pieces of myself that I didn’t even know were there. I found dreams and goals that I had never thought about. I found this sense of adventure and drive that I fell in love with.

There is also nothing wrong with not being alone in your twenties. I think it is important to note that. Everyone is on their own journey and we are all searching for different things out of life. Some people learned the lessons I am learning now in their teens. Some aren’t going to learn them until later in life, and that is okay. The point I would like to make with this post is that we need to stop judging people and expecting them to be in a certain place in their life by a certain age. Live the life that you want to and fall in love with every piece of it.

Everyone has their own journey and their own vision of their life, and whatever that is, I support you. Go chase it.

For me, I realized that I have my whole life to do the things I want to do. I want my twenties to be packed full of adventure, memories, friends, family, new experiences, living in different places, travel, the appreciation of small moments, love, trust & feeling free. I have no desire to spend my time with temporary people who don’t add happiness to my life.

I love meeting new people and making connections because I think there is so much value in hearing the stories of another person’s life. What they have been through and what makes them who they are. I had someone ask me once why I left New England because I have so many amazing friends there. Because I do. My friends and family are remarkable and I value my time with them so much. My answer was simple and I still feel this way…

Imagine if I had never lived there, I would have never met them. Think about all the people on this planet. If I move to different places and travel and adventure, think of ALL the amazing people I will meet that will become important to me. If I had never gone to High Point University, I would have never met my friends there. I can’t imagine my life without some of them. Same with Charleston.

I never wanted to live a simple life. Now, there is nothing wrong with having a simple life, and if that is what you love, then please do that. Please chase the life that you want most for yourself.

It is important to be alone in your twenties. To find yourself. To conquer your goals. To love life.

If you were looking for a sign to be alone and fall in love with your life, this is it.



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