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This post is only the first of many more. This is a very personal topic and it is something I understand affects a lot of people in many different ways. I am personally allergic to all the nuts you can think of, sesame seeds, direct forms of soy (soy milk/soy sauce etc), pollen, dust, trees, mold, grass, dogs and cats... I'll let y'all know if I remember anymore 🤪.

Around 150-200 people die from food allergies each year. Those are very preventive deaths. I simply want all allergies to be taken seriously. I know we can't always cater to every single person, but I don't think it is hard to try. I want this to help people understand. I also want to preface this by saying this does not apply to everyone. This does not apply to every restaraunt, person or establishment. This is only referring to some.

For those who don't have allergies, I can understand how you may not understand how these impact my life. My allergies to nuts and sesame seeds are life threatening. I carry an EpiPen with me everywhere I go. This is essentially a needle with Epinephrine, which would be stabbed into my thigh if I were to ingest anything I am allergic to, in order to prevent going into anaphylactic shock (my throat closing so I can't breathe) and therefore, save my life. This is something I have to think about before I put ANYTHING in my mouth. Every time I go out to eat I have to inform the kitchen of my allergy so there is no cross contamination, or I could die. Every time I would first start dating someone, I would have to awkwardly ask them if they ate any nuts, because if they did, I couldn't kiss them. Pretty romantic, huh? Richmond loves the foods I am allergic to, and he has made many small sacrifices to ensure my safety. I often can't get ice cream because they mix all the scoops together and people are often too annoyed or lazy to open a new container for me. It isn't that hard to clean surfaces or change gloves or clean scoops. This is my life, and I know I am not the only one. I know when I go to a party I often can't eat whatever food is there because why would someone prepare special food for me? That isn't a sarcastic remark, those who don't have allergies just don't even think about it and that isn't anyone's fault. I know someone that is allergic to gluten has the same problem. I know people that are allergic to carrots or acidic fruits have to check labels too.

This is something that so many people don't talk about. Allergies are something that annoy a lot of people. It inconveniences their lives to alter their time to cater to mine. In elementary school there was a kid that yelled at me and "hated" me because he couldn't bring peanut butter crackers to school as a snack anymore because they could kill me. Kids don't understand. Adults don't understand. That child's parent fought my mom and thought that her child deserved to bring whatever snack they wanted, despite what might happen to me. She thought that I should be isolated by myself as opposed to her son picking a different snack. I am not here to judge someone who was uneducated about allergies. I am here because I want to help people understand. This is not something that I chose, this is something that I was born with.

I have so many friends who were born with allergies or developed allergies. I know how hard it is to eat healthy when you have to find supplements for things that others are just able to eat. I would like to spend the next week talking about different foods and meals that cater to all allergies and lifestyles.

Something I have found incredibly fascinating is that being gluten free, vegan, vegetarian etc are all very popular these days. Now, before anyone takes anything the wrong way, I have friends and family that are vegan, and I completely support their choices. I try to make them feel comfortable and provide them with food options, as I hope others would do for me. What I would like to touch on is that these are lifestyles that they choose for themselves. It won't kill them, and yet there are always restaurants presenting vegan and gluten free options, which is awesome! Please don't misunderstand me, I think it is amazing that people are being included. That is all I want. I also know so many people that are seriously allergic to gluten or dairy and I am so so happy that they are given more choices. All allergies should be thought of like this, but why is it that I never ever see a nut free section? Or something that promises no cross contamination of nuts or gluten or dairy or anything? It is almost like because it is popular for people to be vegan, places tend to give them options because it seems "cool". Like I said, I think this is wonderful, I think everywhere should do that. But why does it have to be a trendy thing for people to want to jump on board? Places started catering to people cutting out dairy and gluten just for health reasons and while this is wonderful, why did it take a trend to get us there? Why isn't it enough that people could die from it to get results?

All I would like to get across today is a little more understanding. Next time you meet someone with an allergy, please don't just think "oh, they will be fine". Please think about if it were you, or if it were your child. Look out for the young child who has to be scared for their life (literally) and often has to say, "no", when they are offered food. Make sure they feel safe and comfortable. I am going to spend this week presenting different meals and snacks for different allergies and all allergies.

I always like to find the good. I believe that the good is those that always try their best to include and ensure the safety of those around them. I am so grateful have so many good people in my life and I am simply here to shed light on something that means a lot to me.

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Love you all 💙



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