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Work is important. 🗓

Social Media is enticing. 📲

BUT, the PEOPLE in your life should be your TOP priority. 💗

"You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail

And soon enough you're best friends

Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool

We'll be out of here as soon as we can"

-Taylor Swift "Fifteen"

I have always said Taylor Swift really gets me. 🤷‍♀️

My best friend, Abby, came to visit me in Charleston this past week. I most often refer to her as Princess Gail, but that is a long story lol. 👑 We have been friends since elementary/middle school. The short story is that I didn’t like Abby at first because she was kind of sassy and she was a ginger so she had to be evil, right? (LOL good elementary school logic right there) Except one day at dance class, I told her she had a cute nose and then we were friends.

We went to school together and we danced together. For every important moment of my childhood she was there. From the Dunkin Donuts Coolatas on the way home from dance (brought to us by her mom and my second mom), afternoons of Just Dance, mac & cheese and old recital video viewings, singing Kokomo in a classic New England blizzard, being sad over lost friends and lost boys… she has been there for all of it. There is nothing I miss more than being on stage and performing with her. I could not have asked for a better best friend. 💗

There are people in my life that have come and gone over the years but a handful have stayed since the beginning. These people all hold special places in my life. The relationships you make in your life are more important than anything else. They are what make you who you are. 💛

Keep the people around who…

Are always there for you.

Never cause dumb drama in your life.

Always encourage you.

Make you the happiest.

Really get you.

Love you unconditionally.

Make you laugh.

If you know me, you know I say this often… I truly do have the best friends. I am so appreciative of every single one of them. They all complete my life in different ways. 🥰



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